Professor Maja combines sociology with sequins for a charismatic storytelling experience on women’s everyday obstacles with confidence.
Her informal, witty and energetic style of speaking educates and inspires women to get out of their comfort zones and take action! Professor Maja can customize her talks to your audience.

Apologies are confidence killers. So, why are women apologizing all the time, and why does it matter? Women have a lower threshold of what they consider to be apology worthy. However, with every unnecessary apology we give, we chip away at our confidence.
Join me and you’ll learn:
Why apologies hurt our confidence and why women apologize more than men.
The root causes of apologies based on Professor Maja’s latest research.
How bias and culture influence our confidence and communication styles.
How apologetic communication styles such as feminine modesty (tendency for women to downplay their achievements) and deflection of praise hurt women’s confidence.
Strategies to stop needlessly apologizing and turn our communication style into confidence-building lingo.
Time commitment: 3 - 3.5 hours

Do you ever feel like you’re never good enough or that you don’t belong? Do you ever feel that somehow, you’ve fooled people and you’ll be exposed as an imposter or fraud? Research shows that the imposter syndrome is something we ALL go through, but women are more negatively impacted by it. The more we believe there is something wrong with us, the easier it is to self-blame.
Imposterism is caused by internal AND external sources of self-doubt and in this workshop, we’ll discuss both.
Join me and you’ll learn:
The root causes of imposterism
How feelings of imposterism shows up in our lives and how we typically deal with it (like avoidance, procrastination, perfectionism, and self-criticism)
How our work environments and bias chips away at our confidence and makes us feel like imposters (when we’re not!)
Strategies we can immediately implement to manage feeling of imposterism.
Time commitment: 3 - 3.5 hours

Do you keep your opinions to yourself unless you’re sure you have something worthy to say? Do you doubt your skills or experiences, even ruminating over past mistakes? Have you missed out on opportunities because you thought you might fail? The answer to these questions has to do with self-confidence. Let’s dispel the myth that women innately lack confidence and need to be “fixed.”
Confidence issues are caused by external and internal barriers and in this workshop, you’ll learn about both.
Join me and you’ll learn:
What self-confidence is, how we get it and the hurdles to building it. (Hint: It’s a skill that can be developed! Not something you’re born with).
How external factors such as: bias, likeability, & toxic work environments negatively influence women’s confidence.
The internal hurdles to our self-confidence
Science-backed strategies we can employ to strengthen our confidence in both our personal and professional lives.
Time commitment: 3 - 3.5 hours

You made a mistake; you are Not the Mistake: Everyone fails, so why do we internalize our failures so much? Worse, why do we get stuck in that negative critical self-talk, a world of “I should have…” reminding ourselves of our mistakes and shortcomings, rather than recognizing our successes. Critical self-talk has become ubiquitous, almost a badge of honor, like perfectionism, but both keep us trapped in cycles of negativity and self-blame. We need to learn “how-to fail” and fail well, rather than blaming ourselves for failing in the first place.
Join me and you’ll learn:
The art of self-appreciation while diffusing self-sabotaging habits like procrastination, avoidance, and perfectionism.
How to resist ruminating over mistakes and overidentifying with your failures.
Strategies to unhook yourself from unhelpful thoughts and a fixed mindset.
How to develop your failure template and put that plan into action to hep you progress to a more compassionate and appreciative you.
Time commitment: 3 - 3.5 hours
OR CALL 437-220-1676